31 déc à 0:00 (Atlantic Time)
- 4km 20,00$
- Autres inscriptions : 25,00$
The new New Year's Day Run is now official! I am organizing a 21.1K run (11am start from the Moosehead Small Batch Brewery) and a 4K walk/run (12pm start from Moosehead Small Batch Brewery) on New Year's Day that would both finish at the start. All participants need to be vaccinated with proof. All participants start off in groups of 1-5 based on household numbers. The route involves yielding to traffic at all intersections as you would normally. The only busy intersection would be at the entrance to Milford. The 21.1K is $25 and the 4K is $20. We give you a gift certificate for the store for your full registration amount. Excess funds over expenses will go to the Nature Trust of New Brunswick as we had originally planned to include the Noremac Trail as part of the day. Do you already have an event planned for New Year's Day???
INSCRIVEZ-VOUS VOIR LA LISTE DE CONFIRMATIONSITE WEBCette activité inclut une épreuve de la Série jeunesse. Pour en savoir plus sur la Série jeunesse de Course NB.
Alex Coffin
Téléphone : 506-654-1823
* Tous les prix sont en CAD $