24 avr à 23:59 (Atlantic Time)
- 10km 35,00$
- 25-km, 50-km 50,00$
PLEASE NOTE: To avoid over crowding on the trails and to respect the Park, this event is capped at 150 Participants.
A beautiful Ultra in the heart of the City!
Rockwood Park is one of Canada's largest Urban Parks and features lakes, streams and some magnificent views of the Bay.
Over the last few years the "Trail Miners" group has been very busy enhancing the trail network and it is a very impressive facility for trail runners, hikers, mountain bikers and Equestrian athletes. You will find it hard to remember you are in the middle of an urban centre.
In addition to the excellent race and the enormous pride you will feel, you will also receive:
A unique handcrafted medal
A Salomon buff (first 75 registrants)
An excellent post race meal and social
50k Event
Check in/Drop Bags 6:30 am- 7:30 am
Pre race instructions 7:50 am
Race Start 8:00 am
NOTE: For your safety there is a 5 hour cutoff for the first lap (25-km), please register for the 25-km EVENT if you do not feel you would make the cut off time for the first lap of the 50-km EVENT. .
Check in 9:30 am-10:30 am
Pre Race instructions 10:50 am
Race Start 1 1:00 am
Check in 1 1:00-12:00 noon
Pre Race Instructions 12:20 pm
Race Start 12:30 pm
Sean Creary
Téléphone : (506) 849-7717
Daryl Steeves
Téléphone : 15068472362
* Tous les prix sont en CAD $