3 sept à 23:59 (Atlantic Time)
- 1 Miler 20,00$
- 1 Miler 20,00$
- Kids 1km 5,00$
Join us Sunday, September 4, for the first edition of the Fredericton 1 Miler. As part of the Stride Running Series, the Fredericton 1 Miler is designed to engage the local community, provide runners of all abilities an opportunity to participate in a local event in preparation for other Fall races.
All participants will have a chance to win draw prizes. Kids Race participants will also receive a shirt.
All proceeds from the event will go towards the UNB Reds Cross Country and Track and Field Team.
Cette activité inclut une épreuve de la Série jeunesse. Pour en savoir plus sur la Série jeunesse de Course NB.
Runners 12-and-under are invited to participate in the Kids 1K. The cost of the race is $5. All kids will receive a medal and bib.
Tous les dons seront versées à :
UNB REDS Cross Country and Track and Field Team
Actuel : 0,00$
Faites un don maintenant
* Tous les prix sont en CAD $